Managing Brex travel
This article refers to a feature that might not be available in your current Brex plan. If you'd like to learn more about this feature and how to unlock additional capabilities in Brex's upgraded plans, please have your account or card admin reach out to Brex Support by clicking on Support in your dashboard.
Brex travel is your all-in-one solution for booking / managing travel and group events, integrated with our expense management software and corporate cards.
Managing user access
Add and edit users
If you have Brex travel enabled on your account, account admins, card admins, and user management admins can customize a user’s permission. To do so, go to Team and click on the team member whose permissions you want to adjust. Under Roles & access toggle Access Brex travel on or off. Note: You can only add users for business travel/non-leisure purposes. All Brex travel users must be 18 years of age or older. Users can access the Trips tab in their dashboard after they’ve accepted their invitation to Brex. Employees, account admins, card admins, and travel admins can request travel spend limits, book travel, and enable other employees at the company to book travel on their behalf. This includes designated managers with these role types.
Deactivated users
Upcoming trips
If a user's account is deactivated, any upcoming bookings made under that account will remain valid unless they are canceled. To view and manage these bookings, account and card admins can either generate a booking report or contact Brex travel support. There are two options for handling these bookings:
- Cancel the booking(s) and forfeit any payment made.
- Cancel the booking(s) and request a refund or credit directly from the provider.
Airline credits
Depending on the circumstances, you might be able to transfer airline credits from a deactivated user account to a collective company pool of credits. Please reach out to Brex travel support to begin this process.
Travel policy rules and management
Policies are a set of rules that a manager, account admin, card admin, or travel admin can set for booking travel with Brex. Essentials Policy admins can set up spending rules that flag travel-related merchant and category expenses (such as airline expenses, lodging, car rental, public transportation, and rail) for review if they’re over a certain amount.
Premium Enterprise Smart Card Admins can customize rules. For example, you can restrict employees from flying certain airlines, sitting in certain cabin classes, or staying in lodging above a certain star rating threshold.
Set spending limits per booking
Toggle on Set spending limits per booking under the airline expenses policy to specify a maximum spend limit based on flight durations. The duration is determined by the shortest leg of the trip. Set the type of ticket that, when booked, will trigger the expense to be reviewed. Flight duration in hours, and maximum price can be used to define a travel policy. You can also exclude maximum price rules. Whether you book a single roundtrip or multi-city ticket, the maximum price policy will apply against the total ticket price. Example 1: Flights up to three hours costing more than $500 will require the expense to be reviewed. Flights longer than three hours costing more than $750 will require the expense to be reviewed. Example 2: If a flight has a stopover, and each segment is two hours each, with a one-hour layover, The total flight duration for the policy will be four hours. Example 3: If a flight is a roundtrip flight and the departing segment is five hours, and the return segment is six hours, the total flight duration of the policy will be the lower amount, which is five hours.
Lowest Logical Fare Policy
The Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) Policy gives you a more reasonable and efficient approach to determining flight prices. Here are some key points about the LLF policy:
- It filters out unreasonable flights, such as those with too many or long-duration layovers.
- It is time-aware when comparing the price of your flight to other flights at the same time of day. For example, morning flights will only be compared to other morning flights.
- Skew doesn’t affect it when there are a large number of available options.
- It doesn’t require different rules and exceptions for different routes, international and domestic flights, or time of the day.
- Travel managers can set a single number so travelers don’t spend excessively when there are cheaper options available.
Cabin class restrictions
Toggle on Cabin class restrictions under the airline expense policy to set cabin class restrictions based on duration and destination. Set the type of ticket that, when booked, will trigger the expense to be reviewed. Flight duration in hours, whether the flight is either domestic or international, and cabin class can be used to define a travel policy. Flight duration can be between zero and two hours, travel can be classified as domestic or international, and cabin classes are defined as economy, premium economy, business class, and first class. You can also exclude cabin class rules. Example: For domestic and international flights up to six hours, the highest allowed cabin class is economy. For flights longer than six hours, the highest allowed cabin class is premium economy. Flight bookings that violate this policy will require the expense to be reviewed.
Booking lead time
Toggle on Booking lead time under the airline expense policy to require that employees book in advance of their trip. You can set the minimum number of days in advance a flight must be before the expense gets triggered for review. Example: Booking a flight less than 15 days in advance will require the expense to be reviewed.
Ticket changeability
Toggle on Ticket changeability under the airline expense policy to specify ticket changeability requirements. Set the type of ticket that, when booked, will trigger the expense to be reviewed. Examples of ticket types for selection are non-changeable tickets only, changeable tickets with no additional fees, and changeable tickets with only additional fees allowed. You can also exclude ticket change rules. Example: Booking a ticket that is non-changeable or that has a change fee will require the expense to be reviewed.
Ticket refundability
Toggle on Ticket refundability under the airline expenses policy to specify ticket refund policy requirements. Set the type of ticket that, when booked, will trigger the expense to be reviewed. Examples of ticket types for selection are non-refundable tickets only, refundable tickets with no additional fees, refundable tickets with only additional fees allowed. You can also exclude ticket refund rules. Example: Booking a non-refundable ticket will require the expense to be reviewed.
Manage policy
Step 1: Create an expense policy. Step 2: Under Add categories, click Airline expenses > Customize. Step 3: (Optional) Toggle on Spending limits per booking. Provide the hour limits under up to and the dollar amount, then fill in the information for flight. Step 4: (Optional) Toggle Cabin class restrictions and set policy by flight duration or by destination type.
- For flight duration: Enter in the number of hours (1-20 hours) and cabin class via the dropdowns. Choose up to four cabin class restrictions. To add another restriction, click Add duration.
- For destination type: The splits will be either by domestic or by international. You can choose up to four cabin class restrictions (economy, premium economy, business and first class). To add another restriction, click Add duration.
Step 5: (Optional) Toggle booking lead time and enter the number of days you require employees to book in advance of your trip. Step 6: (Optional) Toggle ticket refundability and choose between three options: non-refundable tickets only, refundable tickets only no additional fees, or refundable tickets only additional fees allowed. Step 7: (Optional) Toggle maximum spend limit outside of Brex travel and enter the dollar amount of expenses equal or above the amount you entered to require review. Step 8: (Optional) Toggle Specify by merchant and enter the merchant name in the dropdown. Choose between Allow or Review under the smaller dropdown. Under What about all other merchants? select either Review to require review for all other spending, or Allow to allow spending with other merchants in this category. Step 9: (Optional) To add a note, enter in your note in 250 characters or less. Step 10: Click Update & review. If you would like to add lodging and car rental expense policies for your travel policy, see the relevant section below. Step 11: Click Next and then Save.
Booking window
Set the minimum number of days a lodging booking must be made before the expense gets triggered for review. You can also exclude booking window rules. Example: Booking a hotel less than 15 days in advance will require the expense to be reviewed.
Maximum star rating
Set the type of hotel booking that, when booked, will trigger the expense to be reviewed. Maximum star rating can be used to define a travel policy. You can also exclude maximum daily rate rules. Example: Booking a hotel rated more than three stars will require the expense to be reviewed.
Maximum average nightly rate
Set the type of hotel booking that, when booked, will trigger the expense to be reviewed. Maximum average nightly rate, location, and price can be used to define a travel policy. You can also exclude the maximum average nightly rate rule. Example: Hotel bookings greater than $300 per night on average will require the expense to be reviewed. Hotel bookings over $400 per night on average in Boston will require the expense to be reviewed, and hotel bookings over $500 per night on average in New York will require the expense to be reviewed.
Manage policy
Step 1: Create an expense policy. Step 2: Under Add categories, click Lodging > Customize. Step 3: (Optional) Toggle average nightly limit and enter the dollar amount. Under search location, type in the location and enter the dollar amount for the location that you entered. Step 4: (Optional) Toggle lodging rating restrictions and enter in the star rating under the dropdown menu. The options are one through up to five stars. Step 5: (Optional) Toggle booking lead time and enter in the number of days that you require employees to book in advance of your trip. Step 6: (Optional) Toggle maximum spend limit outside of Brex travel and enter the dollar amount of expenses equal or above the amount you entered to require review. Step 7: (Optional) Toggle specify by merchant and enter the merchant name in the dropdown. Choose between Allow or Review under the smaller dropdown. Under What about all other merchants? select either Review to require review for all other spending, or Allow to allow spending with other merchants in this category. Step 8: (Optional) To add a note, enter in your note in under 250 characters or less. Step 9: Click Update & review > Next > Save.
Specify maximum spend
Specify maximum spend under the car rental policy allows account, card, and travel admins to set the average daily rate, including taxes and fees, that will trigger a review. Maximum spend rules can be configured by toggling the Specify maximum spend button on. Set the type of car rental that, when booked, will trigger the expense to be reviewed. Maximum daily rate in a specific currency can be used to define a travel policy. You can also exclude maximum daily rate rules. Example: Car rentals costing more than $100 a day will require the expense to be reviewed.
Allowed car classes
Set the type of car rental that, when booked, will trigger the expense to be reviewed. Car class can be used to define a travel policy. Car classes include economy, mini, compact, mid-size, standard, premium, luxury, sport, pickup, and many more. You can also exclude allowed car class rules. Example: Car rentals in which the car class is not one of "economy," "standard," "mini," "compact,” or "mid-size" will require the expense to be reviewed.
Manage policy
Step 1: Create an expense policy. Step 2: Under Add categories, click Car rental > Customize. Step 3: (Optional) Toggle specify maximum spend and enter the dollar amount. Step 4: (Optional) Toggle specify vehicle class and choose whether you’d prefer a compact, standard, convertible, economy, full size, luxury, mid size, mini, or minivan. Step 5: (Optional) Toggle maximum spend limit outside of Brex travel and enter the dollar amount of expenses equal or above the amount you entered to require review. Step 6: (Optional) Toggle specify by merchant and enter the merchant name in the dropdown. Choose between Allow or Review under the smaller dropdown. Under What about all other merchants? select either Review to require review for all other spending, or Allow to allow spending with other merchants in this category. Step 7: (Optional) To add a note, enter in your note in under 250 characters or less. Step 8: Click Update & review > Next > Save.
Set spend limit per booking
Under the public transportation and rail expenses policy, toggle on Set spending limits per booking to specify the maximum spend limit based on rail durations. The duration is determined by the shortest leg of the rail. Set the type of ticket that, when booked, will trigger the expense to be reviewed. Rail duration in hours and maximum price can be used to define a travel policy. You can also exclude maximum price rules. Whether you book a one-way or a round-trip ticket, the maximum price policy will apply against the total ticket price.
Cabin class restrictions
Under the public transportation and rail expense policy, toggle Cabin class restrictions on to set cabin class restrictions based on duration and destination. Set the type of ticket that, when booked, will trigger the expense to be reviewed. Rail duration in hours and cabin class can be used to define a travel policy. Rail duration can be between zero and nine hours, and cabin classes are defined as standard/coach, business, and first class. You can also exclude cabin class rules.
Booking lead time
Under the public transportation and rail expense policy, toggle on Booking lead time to require that your employees book in advance of their trip. You can set the minimum number of days in advance a flight must be before the expense gets triggered for review.
Manage policy
Step 1: Create an expense policy. Step 2: Under Add categories, click Public transportation & rail > Customize. Step 3: (Optional) Toggle Set spending limits per booking and enter the hours and specified maximum spend limits based on rail duration. Step 4: (Optional) Toggle Cabin class restrictions and enter the hours and cabin classes based on rail duration and destinations. Step 5: (Optional) Toggle Booking lead time and enter in the number of days that you require employees to book in advance of your trip. Step 6: (Optional) Toggle maximum spend limit outside of Brex travel and enter the dollar amount of expenses equal or above the amount you entered to require review. Step 7: (Optional) Toggle specify by merchant and enter the merchant name in the dropdown. Choose between Allow or Review under the smaller dropdown. Under What about all other merchants? select either Review to require review for all other spending, or Allow to allow spending with other merchants in this category. Step 8: (Optional) To add a note, enter in your note in under 250 characters or less. Step 9: Click Update & review > Next > Save.
Travel spend limits
Create/request travel spend limit
Step 1: Request a travel spend limit. Note: You won’t be able to modify the existing fields. Step 2: Under How you are traveling, select either round trip air, one-way air, or other. Step 3: Under From, enter in your departing airport. Under To, enter in your arrival airport. Step 4: Under Depart on, enter in your departing date. Under Return on, enter in your arrival date. Step 5: Under Location of stay, enter your city of stay. Step 6: Toggle I don’t know my travel dates to either on or off.
- If you don’t know your travel dates or if your trip involves multiple cities, toggle the button on.
- If you do know your travel dates or if your travel does not involve multiple cities, leave the toggle off.
Whether the toggle is on or off, you can manually enter the spend limit amount you think you need to take your trip under Spend limit to request. If you’re not sure what limit to give your travel spend limit, your dashboard can generate a suggested dollar amount after you enter your trip details.
Assign travel spend limit
Assign your travel spend limit to your Brex card prior to your trip so that your current and future incurred travel expenses map correctly. Before your trip, we’ll send a push notification to your mobile device reminding you to switch your card to the correct travel spend limit. By tapping the notification and following the in-app instructions, you can select the right travel spend limit. You can also press and hold the notification directly to activate your travel spend limit. Travel spend limits generally aren’t relevant anymore after your trip ends, so we’ll send you another push notification after your trip to reassign your card to your original spend limit. You can tap the notification to follow the in-app instructions and select the right spend limit. You can also press and hold the notification directly to change your spend limit.
Manage travel spend limit requests
To manage and view travel spend limit requests, the spend limit approver will see approval requests in their dashboard. When a spend limit is given a soft limit, employees can spend above their limit threshold but the transaction will be flagged for review. By default, account, card, and travel admins are set as approvers of these transactions, though they can either designate a different user to act as final approver or add an additional approver. Adding an additional approver creates a chain of approvals that will go to the designated approver first and the admin second. Approvers — account, card, travel admin, or someone they’ve designated — can view, manage, and approve trip spend limit requests or flexible spend limit overages in their dashboard Tasks.
Trip fees
Brex may charge a single fee per trip, which can include an itinerary with multiple bookings. A trip is created by booking a flight, hotel, or rental car with additional bookings added. You can add another booking to an existing trip without a charge, but every new trip created will incur a trip fee.
Essentials You won’t be charged a trip fee. PremiumEnterpriseSmart Card Your trip fees are visible to account and card admins at Company settings > Billing > Invoice details > Commitment charges > Trips booked. You can also review your billed trips from Travel > Trips. Filter by Trip billable date > Between and set the date range to match the date of your invoice statement period. This calculates your Total trips. To avoid excess trip fees, travelers may want to arrange transportation and accommodation under a single trip. For example, if you’re meeting with clients in New York and Boston, your single trip in Brex may include a roundtrip flight, hotel stays in both cities, and a rental car between cities. For questions relating to the trip fee, please contact your customer success manager.
Credit card authorization
When you book a trip or select a paid seat, our systems verify your payment method by requesting authorization for the total amount of your booking, which can result in multiple charges appearing on your card. This authorization is a temporary hold on your funds that ensures your payment method is valid and has sufficient funds to cover the transaction. These authorizations are temporary holds and won’t result in multiple charges to your account. Typically, the authorizations will automatically expire within a few business days. Note: Authorizations may fail due to insufficient funds, an expired card, etc. If this happens, we’ll reattempt to authorize the payment method. This can result in multiple authorizations being placed on your account until getting a successful authorization.
Modify trips
Change flights
To change your flight in your Brex dashboard, go to Trips. Click on the trip card that shows your travel itinerary and then Manage reservation. Scroll to the flight you want to modify and click the three dots on the top right of the flight. Then click Change > Edit (the pencil logo). To change your flight in your Brex app, go to Trips. Tap the trip card that shows your travel itinerary, and then tap the leg of the flight you want to change under Reservations. Scroll down and tap Change flight > Edit (the pencil logo) > Continue. Depending on the airline policy, some flights may need to be canceled and rebooked instead of changed. Additionally, some self-serve flight options might not be available. If you need help changing your flight from a travel agent, please contact Brex travel support.
Change your seat
Seat selection policies are determined by the airline and may or may not be available for your flight. For example, Southwest Airlines does not allow for the selection of seats. If seat selection is available, you can select seats during the checkout process. You'll also be able to select or change your seat from Trips > Manage reservation in your Brex dashboard or app.
Change hotels
To change your hotel in your Brex dashboard, go to Trips. Click on the trip card that shows your travel itinerary and then Manage reservation. Scroll to the hotel you want to modify and click the three dots on the top right of the flight, then Change > Edit (the pencil logo). To change your hotel in your Brex app, go to Trips. Tap the trip card that shows your travel itinerary, and then on the hotel you want to change under Reservations. Scroll down and tap Change flight > Edit (the pencil logo) > Continue. Some hotel modifications cannot be done via self-serve, and a chat prompt will open and prompt you to speak with Brex travel support.
Extend your stay
If you have a refundable booking, you may be able to modify it under Trips > Manage reservation. If you don’t see the option, please contact Brex travel support for help extending your stay. If you have a nonrefundable booking, it’s best to make an additional booking for the extra days you want to stay. Once you arrive at the hotel, inform the front desk that you have two reservations and request to remain in the same room for your entire stay.
Contact your hotel
In some cases, you may need to contact the hotel directly as changes cannot be made through Brex travel support. These cases include:
- Changing a nonrefundable hotel booking
- Changing a refundable hotel booking after the change/cancel until date specified by the hotel
- Changing a refundable or nonrefundable hotel booking on or after the check-in date
- Requesting a refund or cancellation penalty waiver for a nonrefundable booking or a refundable booking past the change/cancel until date specified by the hotel's policy
- Cancelling your hotel booking after the check-in date
Change rental cars
If you need to make a change to your rental car reservation, cancel your existing booking and make a new one. Note: Changes can no longer be made through Brex once you have picked up the rental car. If you need to make a change to the reservation after pickup date/time, please contact the rental car provider directly.
Exchange train
Once a rail ticket is booked and confirmed, you cannot initiate an exchange yourself. If you need to exchange a rail ticket, contact travel support in your dashboard by going to Trips, clicking on the trip card, and clicking Manage reservation. Find your rail booking and click Modify to connect with an agent.
Note: You cannot transfer your booked arrangements to another person.
Cancellation process
Most booked flights can be canceled by the traveler, manager, or copilot in the Brex dashboard or app. To cancel your flight in your Brex dashboard, go to Trips. Click on the trip card that shows your travel itinerary > Manage reservation. Scroll to the flight you want to cancel and click the three dots on the top right of the flight. Then click Cancel and confirm the cancellation. To cancel your flight in your Brex app, go to Trips. Tap the trip card that shows your travel itinerary, and then on the leg of the flight you want to cancel under Reservations. Scroll down and tap Cancel flight. If you have trouble canceling your flight or would like help, please contact Brex travel support. Some flight cancellations are not self-serve, in which case a chat prompt will open and connect you to Brex travel support.
Unused tickets
Unused tickets (flight credits) are typically administered by the airline when a passenger cancels a nonrefundable flight before departure. Unused tickets are originally issued in the traveler’s name — which may be changed by the company in the future — and are associated with the company org ID, as well as a PCC. The flight credit is only redeemable through the same airline that issued the original nonrefundable ticket. Partial credits may also be issued by the airline at their discretion. These are typically issued as a result of a partial cancellation of a flight itinerary with multiple flights. These credits have different rules for different airlines. Certain airlines may restrict Brex travel from administering partial credit to a new booking. The unused ticket can be redeemed for future use in Brex travel directly at checkout. In the context of Brex travel, an employee who was issued a flight credit would not be able to book directly with the airline outside of Brex travel for personal use. The flight credit would need to be exchanged via the PCC for your specific org ID for the company’s use only. Note: Flight credits can only be used towards the purchase of a new flight + taxes and cannot be applied to fund price differences for flight exchanges. Unused tickets cannot be applied to cover the cost of the trip fee or other ancillary airline expenses such as seating, checked baggage, or Wi-Fi. If the cost of a new flight is more than the amount of the unused ticket credit, the full amount of the unused credit will be applied to the flight, and the remaining cost of the flight will need to be covered by your payment method of choice. If the cost of the flight with taxes is less than the amount of the unused ticket credit, the full amount of the unused credit will be applied to the flight. However, a refund for the remaining amount is not guaranteed and is subject to the discretion of the carrier. You can view your unused credits in your Brex dashboard by going to Trips > Manage profile > Payment > Unused credits. Any credits you have will be shown with amounts and airlines specified. For help using an unused ticket for a future flight, please contact Brex travel support.
Unused credit transfers
We currently don’t support the transfer of unused credits but are working to release this ability soon. In the meantime, you can transfer unused tickets to a UATP (Universal Air Travel Plan) card. This is a charge card that can be used to purchase airfare, hotel status, car rentals, and other travel-related expenses, including bookings with Brex travel. Instead of having unused tickets tied to a specific employee, transfer tickets to a UATP card and anyone within your company can use it to book travel wherever the card can be used.
To cancel your hotel in your Brex dashboard, go to Trips. Click the trip card that shows your travel itinerary and then Manage reservation. Scroll to the hotel you would like to cancel and click on the three dots on the top right of the hotel, then Cancel. To cancel your hotel on mobile, go to Trips. Tap the trip card that shows your travel itinerary. Choose the hotel you want to cancel under Reservations. Scroll down and tap Cancel reservation. Some hotel cancellations are not self-serve, in which case a chat prompt will open and connect you to Brex travel support.
Most rental car reservations are not paid until pickup and, unless otherwise stated, can be canceled prior to pickup without penalty within your Brex app or dashboard. If you need to cancel your rental car booking on or after the pickup date and time, please contact the rental car provider directly. If you can't cancel your rental car on your own, or if you’d like help from a travel agent, please contact Brex travel support.
To cancel your rail in your Brex dashboard, go to Trips and click the trip card that shows your travel itinerary. Go to Manage reservation, find the train you want to cancel, and click the three dots > Cancel. To cancel your rail on mobile, go to Trips. Tap the trip card that shows your travel itinerary. Choose the hotel you want to cancel under Reservations. Scroll down and tap Cancel reservation.