Brex account requirements

OverviewAll applicantsDaily paymentsMonthly payments


We’re happy to hear that you’re interested in opening a Brex account! Before you fill out an application, it’s important to understand whether we’re a good fit for your business. We have several requirements to open an account, which align with the type of companies we’re best suited to provide value for. This includes, but is not limited to, analyzing a company’s business model, source of funds, and spending patterns. We also consider other aspects of your company, so please note that meeting the requirements below does not guarantee approval for a Brex account. Our goal is to make sure we’re positioned to provide value to all potential customers and avoid areas that may pose a higher risk to Brex and our partners. If you believe you do meet the below requirements, but have been unable to sign up for Brex, please contact

All applicants

All Brex applicants are required to have a US EIN issued by the IRS, a valid US incorporation, and a physical address. We also require that you meet the eligibility requirements as stated in our Platform Agreement, and are not of a restricted industry type.

International founders

Brex supports growing businesses worldwide. International founders without a physical address in the United States are welcome to apply, as long as they have the following:

  • US incorporation and registration
  • US EIN
  • US billing address — we allow international founders to use a virtual office.
    • You can be based elsewhere, but you’ll need a US billing address to securitize your Brex card’s credit limit.
  • If you reside outside of the USA, we’ll need a valid international residential address.
  • US operations
    • Provides or has plans to provide services and products to US customers
    • Employs/contracts or has plans to employ/contract US personnel
  • A US bank account
    • If you don’t have one, you can apply for a Brex business account as an alternative way to store and manage funds.

We work with nonprofits on a case-by-case basis. If your company is a nonprofit, we’ll request the following information as part of your application:

  • Form 990 from the past two years
  • Information board of directors and governance/bylaws
  • 501(c)(3) designation and articles of incorporation

Daily payments

As we continue to expand our global spend solution, we are focusing our service on startups and scaled companies. Our products are designed for companies that have or will soon reach some level of scale. We feel confident in delivering best-in-class service to customers who meet ANY of the following criteria:

  • Received an equity investment of any amount (accelerator, angel, or VC) or plan to in the near future.
  • More than $1 million a year in revenue.
  • More than 50 employees.
  • Tech startups who are on a path to meeting the criteria above, and are referred by an existing customer or partner.

You can read more about the different Brex account types in this help article.

Monthly payments

While not an exhaustive list, these are the general requirements we consider when reviewing applications.

Startup companies
  1. Accelerator funded companies: If you’re part of an accelerator and meet the requirements for our Brex card with daily payments, you're qualified for any Brex card with monthly payments.
  2. Venture funded companies: If you’ve received venture funding, you’re qualified for any Brex products.
  3. Angel funded companies: If you’ve received a minimum in angel funding of $100,000 and plan to raise capital from an accelerator or VC in the future, you’re qualified for any Brex products.

For startups, we require $50,000 as a minimum cash balance (if you’ve raised), or potentially even lower if you’re referred by certain partners of ours. If you’re unsure if you qualify and currently have less than $50,000 but meet the above requirements, reach out to your sales representative or to for additional help.

If you haven’t received any funding but plan to in the future, or don’t yet have $50,000 in your account, you can still apply. You may be qualified for Brex business account with our daily payments.

Mid-market and enterprises

A mid-market company or enterprise that qualifies for the Brex card with monthly payments will need more than $400K/month in revenue ($4.8MM/year). Customers that meet the criteria but have poor financial health may get a limit if they have a signed Empower contract.

You can read more about the different Brex account types in this help article.

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