Paying reimbursements outside of Brex

OverviewSetupEmployee experienceExporting approved reimbursements for paymentExport history and remindersPaying outside of Brex for unsupported employees


As an account admin or card admin, you can configure an entity’s reimbursements to be paid outside of Brex. This allows you to leverage our powerful budgeting, compliance, and automation tools while using your existing payout process for reimbursements.


To enable payment outside of Brex, follow these steps: Step 1: Go to Accounts > Reimbursements > Configure billed entities and choose the entity you want to configure. Step 2: Select the currency of the entity. Step 3: To pay the entire entity outside of Brex, click Pay outside of Brex > Confirm. You can click Auto-pay / Manual pay and toggle the Pay outside of Brex for unsupported employees to specify that the entity can only pay reimbursements for unsupported reimbursements outside of Brex. Contact Brex Support to activate any missing payment methods mentioned above. If you only have one main US-based entity, your employees' reimbursements will be paid through Brex, with the option of paying outside of Brex for only unsupported employees. For your one main US-based entity, if you want to have all employees paid outside of Brex, please contact Brex Support. Additional entities in your account can have all reimbursements or just unsupported reimbursements paid outside of Brex.

Employee experience

Once enabled, any employees assigned to this entity can submit reimbursement requests without connecting a bank account. All reimbursement requests will still need to meet your spend limit and policy guidelines to be approved, after which point you can export them. Employees won’t see an estimated reimbursement payout date on their Brex account, so please make sure they’re aware of expected payment times based on your payroll or AP process.

Exporting approved reimbursements for payment

To process approved reimbursements, follow these steps: Step 1: Go to Accounts > Reimbursements and choose your entity to see all approved reimbursements pending export.

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Step 2: To export all expenses, click Export expenses. To export specific reimbursements, select them first and then click Export in the table. This will download a ZIP file with a CSV containing your expenses, and a CSV with the sub-totals per employee. Step 3: This data can be used to make the payment via payroll, your AP process, or given to your local employer of record. Note: Since payments are made through an external system, we won’t have any information on whether an employee was paid out or not. After export, the status of your exported reimbursements will be changed from Unexported to Exported. This helps prevent you from double paying an employee.

Export history and reminders

You can view previous exports by clicking Export history in the entity’s Reimbursement page. The export history keeps track of which admins exported which reimbursements for processing to prevent double payments. You can also redownload data from here, if necessary.

Paying outside of Brex for unsupported employees

The option to pay outside of Brex isn’t available for all employees. If you activate the feature for unsupported employees, those employees can submit reimbursements in their dashboard. We won’t ask any employees that can't move money for bank information and will route these reimbursements to Pay outside of Brex to be exported. We’ll continue to pay out employees that can move money. Only employees of USD-funded entities who aren’t on this supported countries list will be routed to pay outside of Brex. Employees of locally funded entities who request in any currency besides the local funding currency will be routed to pay outside of Brex.

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