Brex and CDF3
PremiumEnterpriseSmart card
CDF3 (Card Data Feed version 3) is a transaction feed service that streamlines how you integrate your Brex card expenses with alternative spend management systems. These are the spend management systems that Brex CDF3 supports:
- Workday Expense
- Coupa Expense
- Oracle iExpense
- Nexonia
- Emburse
- Other: Please contact us if you are using a different system to confirm compatibility.
To integrate with CDF3, please contact your Brex representative.
CDF3 standard fields
We deliver a standard CDF3 format file on a daily basis. Common transaction fields include, but are not limited to:
- ProcessorTransactionId
- PostingDate
- TransactionDate
- AmountInOriginalCurrency
- OriginalCurrencyCode
- AmountInPostedCurrency
- PostedCurrencyCode
- AmountInBillingCurrency
- BillingCurrencyCode
- EmployeeId
- CardAcceptorName
- LegalCorporationName
Note: Reach out to your Implementation team for a full list of standard fields.
To start a CDF3 feed from your Brex account, follow these steps: Step 1: Provide us with the following for the SFTP directory to which we will be sending the CDF3 file:
- File path
- Credentials
- Encryption key for.
Step 2: Create a Brex API token with the following scopes. Please reach out to your Brex consultant to obtain a secure link to send the API token to us.
- Team
- Users: Read
- Locations: Read
- Departments: Read
- Titles: None
- Cards: Read
- Card Numbers Read and Send: None
- Companies: Read
- Transactions
- Card Accounts: Read
- Card Transactions: Read
- Card Statements: Read
- Cash Accounts: None
- Cash Transactions: None
- Cash Statements: None
- Expenses
- Card Expenses: Read
Step 3: After you receive the API token and server credentials, we’ll send you the first test file and make any necessary adjustments. Step 4: After going live, a CDF3 file with the previous day's cleared transactions will be automatically delivered once a day.